Saturday 23 June 2012

5 Mistakes New Puppy Owners Make

New puppy owners often overlook the responsibilities of having a puppy because they are so excited to bring one home to play. They aren't aware of how much work puppies actually require... causing what should be a joyful time to turn into a frustrating experience. However, you can prevent this from happening by preparing yourself and your home. Read about the most common mistakes new puppy owners make below... and how to avoid them:
1) Potty training your puppy indoors.
The development of indoor nifty potty training pads can actually do more harm than good. If you expect your dog to go outside when he's older, then using these are not the correct way to go about training him. He could end up mistaking your carpet or rugs for the pads and never learn about where he's actually supposed to go. The only instance in which you should use these is if you plan on having your dog use them for his entire life.
2) Giving into his whimpers. It is common for puppies to cry for the first few nights after bringing him home when being left alone. It is extremely difficult to ignore those whimpers and simply allow him to sleep in your bed with you for a few nights. However, if you allow this, he will never learn how to sleep on his own and may end up with dog separation anxiety.
3) Avoiding the kennel.
Most puppies hate kennels. They bark and cry and howl when you put them in one. But putting your new puppy in a kennel when you are away is the key to keeping him safe. If you let him roam free, he could end up destroying your home or getting into dangerous items or food.
4) Taking your puppy out before he's vaccinated.
There are a number of vaccinations your puppy will need before he can safely be in contact with other animals and even humans. Their immune systems are not fully developed when they are young so they are more susceptible to diseases. After he gets all of his immunizations, feel free to take him anywhere you want!
5) Letting your puppy do whatever he wants.
Behaviors that puppies engage in are often cute when they are young, but not when they get older. For example, you may allow your puppy to jump on guests now but this is not acceptable when he is full-grown. It's easier to curb behaviors like this at a young age. The earlier you train, the better behaved your dog will be.
Following the tips above will get you and your new puppy off to a good start. Bringing home a new puppy is exciting and it's often hard to anticipate that there will be work to do early on which will lead to years of enjoyment.
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