Friday 22 June 2012

Are You Ready to Have a Dog?

There are various reasons why someone would like to have a dog, including you. Maybe you want someone to go with you while you're out for a run, have someone to sit on your lap and cuddle with you while you're watching TV. Maybe getting a dog will help your kids learn the responsibility of taking care of one, or simply because you want your kids to have fun and play with the dog. Either way, getting a dog is a huge responsibility. Are you ready to commit to taking care of a dog for 10-15 years? Yes, that's how long dog's live, not to mention the expenses incurred while taking care of one. So what makes you think you're ready to have a dog?
Basic Needs
Just like humans, you should also prepare for your dog's basic needs. These are food and shelter. Supplying your dog's food means giving him the food that will provide all the nutrition that he needs. Not only that, but you would also need to give him medications, and vitamins, to cure or prevent certain allergies or illnesses, and help boost your dog's immune system to fight off other possible sicknesses. Shelter is also another basic need. Having him live in your home won't be enough. You should also be able to provide him his beddings, and an area where he can run and play around. You should also make sure that you have baby gates to prevent your dog from entering restricted areas around your house.
Physical Activities
You should also be aware that dogs need to get their exercise, and play time as well. Dog's who don't get any exercise at all either become moody and lazy or even more hyper around the house. You should get them the provided exercise and play time that they need in order for them to develop a healthy lifestyle as well. Besides play time, you should also have the patience to train your dog. Training your dog will teach him discipline, especially when you have other people around your house or around your dog. You should have the patience to teach your dog how to behave in front of other people, adults and kids included. Training your dog would also help you from the headaches of constantly barking, and using the restroom in places he shouldn't and so on.
Time and Understanding
Your dog also needs your companionship. You should also always have time to spend with your dog. Some dogs also have separation anxiety from their owners. It is essential for you to train your dog, to alleviate separation anxiety, or if you are going to leave for an extended period of time, make sure you can find a dog sitter who can take care of your dog. And most of all, you should understand that your dog will also make mistakes. He will chew on your shoes, pee in the carpet, and accidentally break your most expensive vase and so on. You have to understand that these things aren't things that he does purposefully to get on your nerves, he just needs a little bit of your training to teach him what he should and shouldn't do, most of all, he needs your forgiveness. Just because he made a mistake you shouldn't abandon your dog. Forgive him and in order for him not to make the same mistake again, teach him.
Christina Graham has been a veterinarian surgery tech and/or dog groomer for over 15 years. And in those years has gained an invaluable knowledge regarding all aspects of dogs. That's why she created The Daily Pooch, a daily blog dedicated to dog lovers. She posts regular updates on all aspects of your dog's life from training to health and nutrition and everything in between. Head over to to see what it's all about.

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